Monday, June 8, 2009

Baby Registry

The baby registration process seemed fun and exciting at first and then two hours later: exhausting, grueling, and overwhelming. I had no idea it could take this long! Part of the problem was well...I've never done this before. Good thing I had my mom with me! She was my life saver helping me figure out what to choose and why. A big thanks to my sis who was the photographer and documented this process.

I chose Baby R Us simply because it seemed to have everything except for Sophia's bedding. My heart was set on a particular piece I found at Pottery Barn Kids.

Anyway, here are a few pics to share this moment with you...

IMG_2951Babies R Us was neat and organized! They had a "set up" area where they explained what to do and even provided me with a suggested list of items to purchase.

IMG_2990They provided a free bottle, magazine, coupons, a booklet with notes, and card inserts for the Baby Shower invitations.

IMG_2957I chose a white vintage looking crib.

IMG_2968Can't go wrong with diapers, right?

IMG_2970IMG_2974IMG_2982So much stuff to choose from!

IMG_2983My mom and I trying to make a decision.

IMG_2987That happened more than once...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Salute to Mom...and Books

My husband makes fun of me when I tell him stories about what I did for fun as a kid. When I was about four or five my mom got my little brother and I a library card and we'd walk out of the library with bags of books. We weren't financially blessed growing up so my mom entertained us many times with reading. I loved it. She'd read to us for hours. My poor mom...she never seemed to grow annoyed or frustrated.

When I was old enough to read on my own I continued with the reading tradition and the library became my "hang out." In the summers when my mom was at work and couldn't get a sitter she'd drop us off at the library and we'd literally spend all day there. To most people it would seem like the most torturing thing a parent can do for a child but my brother and I didn't mind it. They had summer type programs for kids where we'd do crafts, watch a movie, and of course have reading time.

Did you ever have the Book It program in school? It's one of those programs associated with Pizza Hut. I was a master. I digged the program! Okay...I'm officially a NERD.


I tell you these proud childhood memories and stories because thanks to my mom I'm an avid reader. I absolutely love reading books, all kinds of books. Thanks to my mom I hope to pass on the tradition of reading to my kids and make it an important part of life.

To all the moms out there don't grow weary in well doing! Read that kid that book one more time even though you just got done reading it for the third time in a row.

This entry has also inspired me to do a Book Review on my blog so stayed tuned and look out for my latest reads and recommendations.